Clubs & Groups
Fees for Kennedy Activities:
- All sports, robotics and drama cost $80 per activity
- Academic Activities, sport samplers cost $40 per activity
- Single participation cap= $280 (includes all school-sponsored athletics and academic activities)
Free/Reduced Lunch Policy:
- Students whose families qualify for free lunch will now pay $20.00 for sports, robotics, and drama.
- Students whose families qualify for free lunch will now pay $10.00 for academic activities and sport samplers.
Clubs & Groups Available at Kennedy:
- GSA, advisor Dana Gudridge
- Knowledge Bowl, advisor Kelli Ritter
- One Act Play, advisors Kelli Maurer & Kristen Bauer
- Spelling Bee, advisor Kelli Ritter
- VEX Robotics, advisor Alissa Keil
- WEB (Where Everyone Belongs), advisor Dana Gudridge
Fees for activities held at the high school will vary.